Wedding Photography and Lifestyle Portraits
Harmony Wedding Package
The Harmony Wedding Package is priced at $1795.
- 8 hours of coverage
- 2 Photographers for all 8 hours
- High Resolution Professionally Edited Photos
- Photos Delivered via Google Drive
- Print Release
- Customized Wedding Day Timeline
- Engagement Session
- All fees are due before your wedding date. Before you purchase this package, we'd like to meet with you in person to make sure we're a good fit for you. Please contact us when you're ready to talk.

True Love
Wedding Package
The True Love Wedding Package is priced at $1925.
- 8 hours of coverage
- 2 Photographers for all 8 hours
- High Resolution Professionally Edited Photos
- Photos Delivered via Google Drive
- Print Release
- Customized Wedding Day Timeline
- Engagement Session
- Bridal Portrait Session
- All fees are due before your wedding date. Before you purchase this package, we'd like to meet with you in person to make sure we're a good fit for you. Please contact us when you're ready to talk.

A Bridal Portrait Session is included with the True Love Wedding Package. If you would like to purchase this session separately the cost is $225 for a 2-hour session at a location of your choosing. This session usually takes place a few months before the wedding. You will receive up to 50 professionally edited digital photos via Google Drive with a written print release so that you can have photos printed at the printer of your choice.

The engagement session is included in both of our Wedding Packages but if you wish to purchase an engagement session as a separate package it is priced at $225 for a two-hour session at a location of your choosing. You will receive up to 50 professionally edited digital photos via Google Drive with a written print release so that you can have your engagement photos printed at the printer of your choice.

Pricing for a 45-minute session is $125 at a location of your choosing. You will receive up to 20 professionally edited digital photos. Pictures are delivered via Google Drive with a written print release so that you can have photos printed at the printer of your choice.

Pricing for a 45-minute session is $125 at a location of your choosing. You will receive up to 20 professionally edited digital photos. Pictures are delivered via Google Drive with a written print release so that you can have photos printed at the printer of your choice.
Family and Lifestyle

This 45-minute session is $125 at a location of your choosing. You will receive up to 20 professionally edited digital photos.
We also offer a 2-hour session for $225 and allow 2 outfit changes if desired.
(We can bring along a pop-up changing tent for your convenience). With the 2 hour package you will receive up to 50 professionally edited digital photos. Pictures are delivered via Google Drive with a written print release so that you can have photos printed at the printer of your choice.
High School
and College
Senior Portraits